Get Vaccinated So We Can All Get Living
The biggest topic of conversation over the past six months or so has been COVID-19 vaccinations. It’s gone from when will be have them, are they safe, what are the side effects, who gets them first, how do I get an appointment and most recently…what if I don’t want to get a vaccine. That’s the issue I’m going to tackle…for better or worse.
The million dollar question is can you be required to get vaccinated and the answer is no...but maybe yes. While there is precedent for the government to allow for the enforcement of vaccinations for public health reasons in this case the Food and Drug Administration has authorized the COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use only which leaves many feeling they cannot be mandated. However at the same time it does appear that employers MIGHT be allowed to require their employees to get vaccinated as long as they provide reasonable accommodations for those with strong religious beliefs against it. We already know that many colleges and universities are mandating that students be fully vaccinated before returning to school in the fall.
As someone who has more confidence in science and medicine than the many conspiracy theories circulating against the vaccine I can’t understand why any adult would not get the shot. It has already been proven safe and effective against a virus that is still claiming lives on a daily basis. Why would you not want to protect yourself and loved ones from getting very sick?
Again my opinion is you are being selfish if you don’t get vaccinated because you are putting innocent people in jeopardy. Yes I know some of you believe this is all a government plot of some kind but it’s time for all Americans to come together and beat this virus so we can live our lives to the fullest. One more thing…if you are not going to get vaccinated then don’t complain about any restrictions, including wearing a mask. It’s your fault!
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