Fun and Fantastic Family Events in Ocean and Monmouth Counties
Wednesday, August 22nd …. The Belmar Business Partnership hosts their Belmar Cruise Night on Main Street between 8th and 10th Avenues from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Check their Facebook page for more information.
Thursday, August 23rd …. The Ocean Cares Foundation holds their Clam Bake for a Cause at the Crystal Point Yacht Club on River Road in Point Pleasant from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. featuring a clam bake buffet, live music from Late 88, a silent auction and more. Click oceanmhs.org or call 732- 269-4849 for more information .
Saturday, August 25th …. The Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company #1 and the Ladies Auxiliary hosts their “Fired Up” Car Show & Vendor Fair at the firehouse located at 133 Stafford Avenue in Manahawkin from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. rain or shine. Check their Facebook page for tickets and more information.
Saturday, August 25th …. Toms River Macaroni Kid hosts their Back to School Bash in the center court of the Ocean County Mall on Hooper Avenue in Toms River from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. with area dance studios, martial arts, gymnastics and art programs along with a fashion show, crafts and more. Call 732-864-6633 or click tomsriver.macaronikid.com for more information.
Saturday, August 25th …. Donovan Catholic in Toms River presents An Evening on the River, a night of great food, wine, music and friends all to support the Nicholas Paggi Robotics Lab and Memorial Scholarship. Call 732-552-9270 or click donovancatholic.org for tickets and more information.
Saturday, August 25th …. The 4th annual Kathleen Thomson Run takes place at the Keyport-Matawan Elks #1030 Lodge located at 249 Broadway in Keyport starting with registration at 10 a.m. The run honors member Kathleen Thompson and benefits Relay for Life. The lodge hosts a post-race part from 1 p.m. -6 p.m. with live music from Kathouse. Call 732- 264-6742 or click Keyportmatawanelks.com for more information
Saturday, September 1st … The Saturday in the Park women's 5k Run, Run/Walk takes place at Holmdel Park in Holmdel starting at 9 a.m. to benefit women’s organizations. Click saturdayinthepark5k.org for registration and more information.or more information.
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