Do You Need a World Cup Team to Cheer?
A little of this and a little of that:
Since neither the United States or Italy qualified for the World Cup and defending champion Germany and my favorite Iceland have been eliminated you might be searching for a country to root for over the next couple of weeks.
May I suggest you jump on the Sweden bandwagon for two reasons: they are pretty good and might have the best-looking fans in Russia. I’m talking woman and men as it seems every time they show a crowd shot it looks like a group of candidates for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. I could also make a case for Brazil and Belgium but I’m all in for Sweden.
As you likely know last Thursday was the first official day of summer and also the longest day of the year in terms of daylight at15 hours and 49 seconds. Not to depress you but we are now heading in the opposite direction and have already lost over a minute. On the plus side sunset will remain at 8:29pm until July 3rd when that begins to drop. I know, you didn’t need to hear this.
Why do I even bother watching a Mets game? Sports is supposed to provide an escape and a diversion from the tragedy, sadness and divide that dominates the news today. Instead the Mets bring all of that ogether in 9 innings just about every night.
Yesterday the Township of Toms River dedicated a portion of Robbins Street just across from our office and studios as Bob Levy Way. Originally we thought it was Wilsey Way, which is the street that leads into the municipal building and parking lot that was ceremoniously being renamed in honor of Bob.
We stand corrected and a little research revealed that both C. Budd Wilsey Jr. and Franklin Wilsey were past chiefs of Toms River Volunteer Fire Company #1 which is just across the street.
Did you know the Mets bullpen has lost more games than any other team in baseball? Did I tell you how much I hate watching their games…why do I do this to myself?
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