Dining For A Cause with CASA of Ocean County
Dining For A Cause is a benefit for CASA of Ocean County and you can enjoy a fun evening and help out this great local organization.
Since 2006, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Ocean County, an independent non-profit, has served as a voice in the courtroom for abused and neglected foster children. We recruit and train concerned citizens to serve as a CASA volunteer. By meeting with the child’s family members, doctors, teachers, and foster parents, the CASA volunteer ensures that the judge in the family court system is aware of all the facts to make the best determination for the child’s future.
Dining For A Cause takes place Friday, June 15th at 6 pm at Woodlake Country Club in Lakewood.
RSVP Today! Call (732) 797 - 0590
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