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Ok let’s picture this....a huge Chevy Caprice station wagon. The one with three rows of seats and the curved windows in the back and three young boys getting restless on a drive and driving Mom and Grandma crazy. This sound familiar during the 70’s lol I am sure it does. I will admit we were a handful when in the car and at Christmas time we were always extra energized with Santa’s arrival coming shortly.

We would work on our lists, my poor parents how they must have loved seeing pages of ideas on what we wanted Santa to bring, over and over with a daily change happening as we saw more wonderful ideas in the stores and on television.

Something my Mom and Grandma would do when we were traveling was to tell us everytime we saw a plane it was Santa’s elves watching us! Imagine how we would settle down immediately when we thought our Christmas was at stake. The elves were watching and you know they can see everything! I’m not sure if they can take credit for this idea but it worked! At night when we were in the car any lights above, whether a plane or even a star, meant ”you know who” was watching.

So remember if you see a plane overhead there’s a good chance Santa’s elves are watching so you better be good....for goodness sake! You don’t want to end up on the naughty list like Sue Moll :(

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