5 Things Bayville Needs in 2021
As a former "Benny" and now a year-round resident of the Jersey Shore, I'm very thankful that we found our home in Bayville, New Jersey. When I say 'home', I don't mean the physical structure. I mean the community that makes us feel welcome. We have great neighbors, my oldest son goes to a phenomenal school with tremendous teachers, we're close to the bay, beach, and where I work too. Overall, Bayville has been very good to my family in 2020, but I have a few recommendations on ways to take it from good to great in 2021.
As you'll see, my wish list is a little bit of practicality, a greater selection of restaurants, and a little bit of family fun. If I missed something that desperately needs to be added, please e-mail me here!
Here goes:
Bayville's 2021 Wish List
Listen to JB weekday afternoons from 3 pm to 7 pm on 92.7 WOBM. Click here to listen live to the show.