An Endless Summer Party to Help an Endless Need
Often you participate in a fundraiser simply to help the cause and what you get in return for your donation is something you don’t want or need.
Then there are those in which what you actually get back is more valuable then what you have paid and that will certainly be the case Sunday when Chef Mike’s ABG in South Seaside Park hosts their annual Endless Summer Party.
It’s a fundraiser for “A Need We Feed” a terrific 501-C3 organization founded by Toms River’s Cliff Baker and born out of a desire to give back to those who were helping rebuild the shore following Superstorm Sandy.
Along with Chef Mike and others they hosted an open house on Thanksgiving in 2012 and served more than 300 hot meals to those working in Ocean County as part of “Restore the Shore” and followed that up with an even larger effort at Christmas which included those displaced by the storm.
The focus changed after that as the organization concentrated on addressing a growing problem by helping feed those in need, including veterans and the homeless over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter and during a Summer BBQ. Each of those includes at least 800 hot meals and at Christmas they also supply toys for children.
So now that you know at little about “A Need We Feed” let me tell you about Sunday’s end of summer blast on the beach at Chef Mike’s ABG from 12 noon - 4 p.m. There will be unlimited food, beer and wine from not only Chef Mike’s but Waypoint 622, Waterman’s, Brandl’s, Jersey Shore BBQ, Harvest House Bakery and South Seaside Park neighbors Bum Roger’s and Ebby’s.
There will be raffles for 29 gift baskets ranging in value from $100 to $3000, a 50/50, silent auction for sports memorabilia and a DICE roll game for a Disney cruise vacation.
Tickets are $50 in advance and can be purchased at Chef Mike’s ABG or through Eventbrite on the home page of Tickets will be $65 at the door on Sunday which by the way looks like a perfect day for an Endless Summer Party.