Amazing! It’s The Very Last Drive-In Movie in New Jersey
Have You ever been to a "Drive-In" movie? Many of you may have, but many of you may have not. I have been to a "Drive-In" movie and it was always a fun event. At one time there used to be many drive-ins here in New Jersey. Several operated around the Garden State, but now the "Drive-In" is an endangered species with only one remaining in the entire state. This is the very last "Drive-In" in New Jersey.

One of the very last times I was at a "Drive-In" many years ago in College and we stayed up all night at a movie marathon that they held at the theatre we were at. We watched several movies all night until sunrise almost, we had a blast and it was a fond "Drive-In" memory for me, what I remember of it lol.
According to a recent article by Only In Your State, the very last "Drive-In" here in New Jersey is located in Cumberland County. The Delsea Drive-In in Vineland is our very last "Drive-In" yes the very last standing and still showing movies. "More common in farm country, there is only one remaining drive-in theater in New Jersey – and Delsea Drive-In is still going strong after over seventy years! First opened in 1949 and closed in 1984, it was reopened in 2004 under new management. It typically runs between March and November, which means news should be coming any day about the first shows of the season!"
Have you ever gone to a "Drive-In" movie? Where did you go? Have you ever been to the Delsea Drive-In? Let us know your thoughts and post your comments below.
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