A Chance for Chili Chefs to Show Off
Calling all first responders who think they make a mean bowl of chili.
The 4th annual JBJ Soul Kitchen Chili Cook-Off will take place on Saturday, October 28th in Toms River and they are now looking for members of local police, fire and EMS squads to trade in their regular uniforms for aprons.
It’s being billed as a friendly competition between first responder “Chili Chefs” but bragging rights will be on the line as members of the public will vote for their favorites.
It all takes place at the JBJ Soul Kitchen Community Restaurant on Hooper Avenue in the Silverton section of Toms River and will serve as a kickoff for their fall community days. The Soul Kitchen is part of the B.E.A.T. Center (Bringing Everyone All Together) which is where those in need can access resources including food and education aimed at reversing the hunger cycle in our community that so many are caught up in.
At the same time the chili cook-off will shine a spotlight on the great work being done by our local first responders, many of whom are volunteers. The idea is for each cook and the department they are representing to invite a long list of guests to show up on October 28th and vote for them. That is if they like their chili because their taste buds may have them vote for someone else.
It’s all in fun and all for a great cause. The event will be open to the public with a $20 donation for adults and children over 12 (kids under 12 are free) and tickets will only be sold on October 28th with the event to run from 1-4pm.
First Responders interested in learning more or signing up can stop in to the Soul Kitchen at 1769 Hooper Avenue in Toms River or call them at (732) 731-1414 and ask for Carol. You can also visit their website,jbjsoulkitchen.org or Facebook page (JBJ Soul Kitchen) for more information.