Fall 2015

Justin Needs Your Halloween Costume Ideas
Justin Needs Your Halloween Costume Ideas
Justin Needs Your Halloween Costume Ideas
As I mentioned earlier this week, Marianne Levy from our sister station WOBM-AM 1160 & 1310 and I will be hosting the 77th Annual Toms River Halloween Parade for Toms River Schools' TV 21 broadcast. Being our second year of hosting, we're debating on whether we want to do costumes or not.
The TR Statues Say Goodbye
The TR Statues Say Goodbye
The TR Statues Say Goodbye
Here in Ocean County, we're used to Summer visitors. And this Summer, we had some unique ones. They didn't really do much traveling, but they hung around Toms River since early May.
Fright Fest's New Scares
Fright Fest's New Scares
Fright Fest's New Scares
Six Flags is full of announcements in the past week! Right on the heels of unveiling their upcoming "4-D" coaster "Total Mayhem" for next season, today, they're giving us details on how this year's Fright Fest is going to be bigger than ever.
Great Adventure Needs Zombies
Great Adventure Needs Zombies
Great Adventure Needs Zombies
How would you like to spend the season leading up to and including Halloween scaring the heck out of theme park guests? Well, get your best blood and guts out and you could join the undead ranks at Fright Fest!