Toms River officials approve a resolution to introduce the spending plan for the organization charged with overseeing the downtown area.

Jody Alessandrine

The total budget for the Business and Improvement District is $358,000 with $235,000 of it coming from special assessments through local businesses and $123,000 from fundraising, sponsorships and special event fees. In the last seven years, vacant store fronts, empty offices, shuttered restaurants and a shrinking ratable base has driven people away from the area unless there's a special event going on. The head of the BID wants to change that.

Jody Alessandrine is the Executive Director. He's only been in Toms River a short time but brings a world of experience in helping other small downtowns throughout the country.

He says it's time to get people back there all year round and not just during special events.

Alessandrine says "while we will still have the Halloween parade, the New Jersey Ice Cream Festival, the car shows, farmer's markets and other promotions, it's the businesses we need to attract. The brick and mortar shops and restaurants that we can make the area even better than it is now. This is both our long and short term goal."

Alessandrine tells WOBM News they plan to look at possible redevelopment opportunities near the waterfront with additional parking so families can really come downtown for an evening. He says there are plenty of parking spots to support the growth of businesses in the downtown area already. In addition to the streetside parking on Washington, Main and Robbins, the parking deck and parking lot at Huddy Park are options.

Alessandrine plans to present his ideas and the spending plan to the council and the public during the Toms River council meeting on Tuesday night, March 27th.

For more on Downtown Toms River, visit

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