The more our infrastructure relies on computer networks, the more vulnerable we are to cyber terrorism. That’s according to Fred Roberts, Chair of Rutgers University’s Homeland Security Research Initiative.

During testimony before the Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee, Roberts said cyber terrorism is becoming a national concern and is happening much more frequently.

There are three kinds of attacks on computers; physical, electronic and one using malicious code, all of which would have a serious impact on the reliability and operability of equipment. “When we think about protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure today, we need to think about more than just the physical infrastructure, but the cyber systems upon which that infrastructure depends,” said Roberts.

If a cyber attack is launched in New Jersey, it could cripple the state’s power supply. “Not only causing power failures in homes, but making it impossible for major utilities such as water to operate,” said Roberts. “It would stall mass transit and endanger the safety of many people.”

The Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee is considering a bill which would create a new Cyber Security Bureau in New Jersey.

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