After years of talking about it, there's finally some action. Toms River Township gets set to build a new animal shelter. It would be constructed on Oak Avenue right near police headquarters and the justice complex.

Sketch of new Toms River Animal Shelter

The proposed 7,000-square-foot facility is bigger than the existing one on Whitesville Road, which officials say has been too small to accomplish their goals during the last few years. The council awarded a $6.4 million dollar contract to Kelso Construction at last week's meeting. Township Engineer Bob Chankalian says there were many benefits in picking the new location.

Chankalian says "the fact that we're putting it near the police station and municipal court will allow them to make some much needed repairs to both buildings."

The current animal shelter has very little room for cats. In fact, Chankalian says "right now, there are cats in cages wedged in hallyways. They really should be segregated away from the dogs. The new facility will let us do that."

The 18 month project is expected to start as early as next week.

Review The Shelter Plans (PDF)

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