So it’s taken me a few days before addressing the incident Sunday night at the Oscars featuring Will Smith and Chris Rock.  My take is simple and that is Smith lost it for whatever reason (his wife) and Rock deserves all the credit in the world for the professional way in which he handled it.  So now the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced a formal review which will include possible consequences for Smith, who shortly after the altercation received his first Academy Award for his performance in “King Richard” but nobody really remembers that.

Anyway the review will look into discipline that can be dished out and one thing you can count on is Smith will not have his Oscar taken away nor should he.  I guess they might ban him from future programs but honestly that’s like doing him a favor…I mean if you are not nominated do you really care about the Academy Awards?  A room full mainly of phonies who say all the right things on stage and on camera but honestly are happy when they win, ticked off when they lose and for the most part don’t care about one another.

So I’ve investigated the matter and come to my own conclusion.  Announce that Chris Rock will be the host next year and Will Smith has to sit in the front row with a TV camera on him from start to finish.  Gloves off Chris, take your best shots.

By the way the reason why Sunday’s incident was so memorable is because up to that point the show and program was as bland as ice tea without sweetener.  I long for the days when Billy Crystal and before that Johnny Carson were the hosts and women actually looked in mirrors before they walked the red carpet.

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