Trolley Tour Bus Company responds to TR Schools Field Trip No-Show
A couple days after a group of Toms River High School PLE students were stranded on the morning of a field trip to Washington D.C., the tour bus company accused of leaving the kids there has now responded.
Toms River PLE students from all three high schools were scheduled to go on a field trip to D.C. at 6:00 am on Monday morning but the bus company TRS hired to bring the 56 students to the Nation's Capital didn't show up.
Trolley Tour Bus Incorporated was paid $3,100.00 ahead of the trip that was approved by the school board for all three PLE programs at the February BOE meeting.
"The program adviser personally took the check for $3100 to the Trolley Tour Bus office. It was accepted with no mention of potential issue," Mike Kenny, Toms River Regional Schools Coordinator of the Office of Grants and Communication, told WOBM News on Wednesday of this week.
It seems there was an issue and Trolley Tours informed Toms River Schools about it over a month before the trip.
Ronald Faillace with Trolley Inc. has told WOBM News today that a notification (also sent to WOBM News) was sent to Kim General at Toms River High School North, who was the contact for coordinating the trip, on March 5, 2019 which is when an envelope addressed to General was stamped by the post office.
The notification alerted Toms River Schools that the trip was being cancelled due to the Bankruptcy of Trolley Inc.
"All trips scheduled for after date of Bankruptcy shutdown have been notified by mail and E-Mail of Cancellation due to Bankruptcy. Copies of time dated envelopes are available If needed. There is also a message on the main phone 609-971-6699 after it rings into messages," Faillace told WOBM News. "This is an involuntary Bankruptcy by the Court."
As for the $3,100.00 paid to Trolley Tours by Toms River Schools ahead of the trip, Faillace says any possible reimbursement of funds is out of his hands at this point.
"Unfortunately all claims must be made to Bankruptcy Trustee. I have no control, the Trustee has control," Faillace said.
It's a situation he is apologetic about with the students trip being cancelled on their behalf, but one that was ultimately carried out thanks to Central Regional Schools.
"My apologies to all of the great customers we served. Trolley has operated since 1990 without any major incidents until this situation," Faillace said.
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