Treat Life Like A Golf Game and Avoid The 18th Hole
Is there any more uncomfortable topic to talk about than death? Even though it’s the only thing every one of us is guaranteed most avoid any and all discussion. Having attended two viewings in a five-day stretch and learning of two other passing’s of people I knew this week it’s sort of been on top of my mind. You might find that morbid but I would imagine just about all of us will come to a point in our lives when we might think about our mortality.
It’s the finality of it all that I find most overwhelming. How many people will wake up this morning with thoughts of work, family, finances and more only to die suddenly? Those things that were consuming their time and energy no longer mean anything. If you think about it many of the issues we deal with on a daily basis are blown out of proportion…by us. That proposal you are putting together for work, problems with your babysitter, car troubles, your child’s basketball tryouts, finding time for the gym….stress, stress, stress and more stress.
All of this consumes us even though taken by itself each issue can be resolved and is not nearly as big a deal as we make it. My twisted thoughts turn to those who would give anything to have a shot at dealing with life’s daily pressures but for them life has ended and for many way too soon.
It’s not uncommon for those who get older talk about their life in golf terms. When you’re 40 you might be on the 9th hole, 65 on the 15th and 85…well you just hope you can take a lot of mulligans on the 18th.
Find inner peace and treasure each day if you can because tomorrow is not guaranteed.