Toms River ADA Advisory Committee seeks new members
TOMS RIVER - If you live in the township, and if disabilities have a role in your life, you can have a voice in related township policies that affect you every day.
The Americans With Disabilities Act Advisory Committee seeks new members for 2018. It's open not only to those who live with, or care for those with, disabilities, but also caregivers, professionals in related fields, and concerned residents.
The Committee brings concerns fielded at its meetings to the attention of the Mayor and Township Council, and offers recommendations on shaping of ordinances and policies, access to facilities, advocacy, and even employment-related issues.
Now in its 25th year, formed two years after the dawn of the ADA, the committee has exerted its influence in areas such as rest rooms, parking and stairway-adjunct ramps in public areas.
Meetings are scheduled four times each year, but if scheduling allows, a fifth meeting is not uncommon. They generally run 7 to 8:30 PM in the Municipal Building.
To learn more, visit the Committee's web page, or call 732-341-1000, ext. 8417.
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