Thousands of Glorious Sunflowers at this Farm in Ocean County, NJ
There is something about summertime at the Jersey Shore and sunflowers.
There are thousands and thousands of sunflowers right here in Ocean County for all of your beautiful summer pictures for Facebook or Instagram. It's like the tulips that we all go crazy for in the spring.
Where are all of these glorious sunflowers in Ocean County, NJ?
Argos Farm in Forked River is where you will find these gorgeous sunflowers for miles. Argos is having a fabulous Sunflower Festival, to tip-toe through the sunflowers in heat of the summertime. You will love this.
When is the Sunflower Festival at Argos Farm?
The Sunflower Festival is August 4th, 2023 - August 20th, 2023 on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, only. Along with the beautiful sunflowers and all of your pictures there will be live music, food, and activities for the whole family.
What's the price of the Sunflower Festival?
The price per ticket is $14.95 online and $19.95 at the gate. Tickets get you into the festival with music, sunflowers, activities, and more. *If you want to pick sunflowers please bring your own shears and a bucket. There is an additional price for purchasing sunflowers that you pick.*
Argos Farm is located at 1250 Lacey Road in Forked River, NJ.
You can purchase your tickets to the Sunflower Festival by clicking here and all the information you need for this spectacular event. The sunflowers are amazing to see. You will not believe how many you will see. To stroll through the sunflowers is perfect for this time of the year. The entire family will enjoy it.
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