Everyone loves sledding, even the Toms River Police. This video is what the TR Police Department is all about, being in the community.

From the Toms River Police Department's Facebook Page:

Squad 5 taking a few minutes between calls last night to have some fun with the local kids.
We aren’t sure who had more fun!

Squad 5 you put a smile on those kids' faces. Who says the police can't have fun. Our men and women do in Toms River. Working at 92.7 WOBM we do a lot of things with the police department and I think they're one of the "best" police departments. They're always ready and willing to help out the community.

Squad 5, YOU ARE AWESOME. "Thank you" for all you do to protect and have fun with our community.💙

Sue Moll
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The TR Police Department is excited to introduce a workout challenge. Each month the police department will post a video of one of their officers performing a workout. They want you to video yourself doing the work out that the police officers are performing and post it on your social media with the hashtag #TRPDFitnessChallenge. At the end of the month a winner will be randomly selected from all participants. The goal of the police department is to get us to move and do a workout each day to the best of our ability. The workout videos will be on the TRPD YouTube channel. All posts must be made public and there is not limit on submissions. Have fun doing the workouts. CLICK here for more information.

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