
Would You Like Ocean County Workplaces To Offer Long Weekends?
Would You Like Ocean County Workplaces To Offer Long Weekends?
Would You Like Ocean County Workplaces To Offer Long Weekends?
Are you back at work, wishing your weekend could have lasted another day or two?  I’ve long been a proponent of a 3 day weekend, feeling that we need one day for chores and errands, another day for family responsibilities, and a third day to rest and recharge so we can have energy for the week ahead...
Governor Christie’s Budget Includes Cancer Research Cut? [AUDIO]
Governor Christie’s Budget Includes Cancer Research Cut? [AUDIO]
Governor Christie’s Budget Includes Cancer Research Cut? [AUDIO]
Cancer is a horrific disease that touches almost everyone in one way or another whether they've lost a loved one or are suffering with the disease personally. You might find it surprising that a close look at Governor Chris Christie's budget plan reveals a proposal to slash funding for cancer research.