
Witnessing History and Feeling Hopeful for Future
Witnessing History and Feeling Hopeful for Future
Witnessing History and Feeling Hopeful for Future
What's going on right now does feel revolutionary. It's likely to make changes. At the very least, it's sparking conversations that we need to be having. We can't keep the status quo of kids being at risk every time they go to school. What's the best way to make them safer? I don't think there's an easy answer, but it seems a great time to be talking, listening, and learning.
Has Football Fumbled Again? As Refs Walk Off the Field!
Has Football Fumbled Again? As Refs Walk Off the Field!
Has Football Fumbled Again? As Refs Walk Off the Field!
What they are doing with this kneeling and everything, they have the right do to that, but the national anthem has nothing to do with them kneeling. The flag has got nothing to do with why they are protesting. If they want to protest, let them protest, but don’t disrespect our country, the flag and the armed forces ~ Ernie Lunardelli   Has football fumbled again? Now the ...
Protest Postponed!
Protest Postponed!
Protest Postponed!
Rally at the Statehouse today has been POSTPONED.  As reported by WOBM News the Toms River schools face a proposed $3.3 million cut in state funding for a school budget year that begins in 10 days. Brick & Toms River residents, what are your thoughts on the matter? So...
Know Anyone Going To Saturday’s Rally?
Know Anyone Going To Saturday’s Rally?
Know Anyone Going To Saturday’s Rally?
I have mixed feelings about politics these days. When I hear about the marches planned for Saturday, I'm glad those people have the freedom to speak their mind.  But then I see some of those same critics posting offensive memes and posts about Donald Trump's anatomy and I think that's unfair, because the office of President is one that deserves respect...
Was Kaepernick Right or Wrong?
Was Kaepernick Right or Wrong?
Was Kaepernick Right or Wrong?
I think, personally, the flag is the flag, regardless of how you feel about things that are going on in America today, and the things that are going on across the world with gun violence and things of that nature, you’ve got to respect the flag, and you’ve got to stand up with your teammates. ~ V...

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