It turns out that none of the local football teams could get it done this year, but that doesn't mean there aren't New Jersey things to look out for during this year's big game.
I can go on all day about fun and exciting things to do in the Garden State. I may be a transplant, but I love living here now. Not everyone agrees though, in fact, in a recent survey ten towns in New Jersey were named among the most boring places in the country to live.
New Jersey is the only state where it is against the law to pump your own gas. Strangely, the people who are paid to pump our gas do not have to have any special training or license to pump gas.
NFL Football training camp is underway, and fans are filled with hope this time of year, believing their teams have a shot at winning the Super Bowl. However, while baseball fans often say 'hope springs eternal' during spring training, football fans are more skeptical, saying 'yeah, right...
Season-ticket holding parents no longer will need to buy an $800 club seat ticket for their infant son to join them . Plus, every NFL team's kid policy.
It's gonna be a long couple of weeks for NJ Eagles 'haters'. Here's a look at sports superstition from a newbie fan's view. I.E., "why I can't wear green now."