
Which New Jersey Teacher Pointed You On Your Career Path?
Which New Jersey Teacher Pointed You On Your Career Path?
Which New Jersey Teacher Pointed You On Your Career Path?
I read a lot about educators yesterday, World Teachers' Day.  I saw stories of how frequently they are underpaid and overworked.  I heard how in some districts, they have to buy their own basic supplies like paper for handouts.  Despite these hardships, there is a common thread; that teachers teach because they are committed to helping students learn and grow...
Why Do People Back Into Parking Spots?
Why Do People Back Into Parking Spots?
Why Do People Back Into Parking Spots?
It's time to talk about a minor pet-peeve that, this time of year, feels less minor.  In fact, it feels like a MAJOR annoyance right now, when my holiday stress level is high.  People who back into parking spaces.  Why do they do it...