The Township of Berkeley has submitted an application to the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection, for Green Acres funding to develop the Main Street property in the Holly Park section.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Army Corps of Engineers want to hear from you as they put together an interim report for a Back Bays Study.
The Township of Toms River has received a $183,933.00 grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to help implement and further enhance recycling efforts.
Beach replenishment work, talked about and planned for years, is taking place at the Jersey Shore and those wishing to dip their toes in the water in Toms River may have to wait to see if those gates are open this summer.
Toms River is about to get a whole lot cleaner with the township receiving a $209,273.00 grant from the NJ-DEP as part of New Jersey's Clean Communities Program.
The Department of Environmental Protection and officials in the Two Rivers region of northeastern Monmouth County are asking the public to identify building and facilities with their communities to be part of focused flood-resiliency planning efforts...
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is once again working to calm concerns over cloudy water in the Barnegat Bay.
Testing by the Bureau of Marine Water Quality Monitoring this week found that the water from outfall pipes in Seaside Heights and Seaside Heights met federal and state safety standards for recreational bathing...