Ocean Gate, NJ Police cracking down on parking infractions near Ocean Gate Avenue
The complaints have been coming in and police in Ocean Gate will be issuing a warning for people who are improperly parking in the borough.
Ocean Gate Police issued a statement announcing that the new warning system after receiving complaints about parking infractions, particularly along Ocean Gate Avenue and the roads nearby, with drivers committing violations causing safety issues for other vehicles and pedestrians as well.
"Many of these infractions cause sightline issues preventing motorists and pedestrians from obtaining an accurate view when trying to cross or turn onto the roadway. We have also received complaints of vehicles parked too close to stop signs and fire hydrants."
Consider this article your warning, and police in Ocean Gate will now do the same with summonses coming in after that in the future.
Police said "aggressive enforcement" will be taking place between Ocean Gate Avenue and East/West Bayview Avenue as well as the streets that are near that intersection.

One other part of their warning here is Ocean Gate Police passing along the parking statutes that are under state law.
New Jersey State Statue 39:4-138 (Parking Prohibited)
(A) In an intersection
(B) On a crosswalk;
(C) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within at least 20 feet of a point on the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone;
(D) In front of a public or private driveway;
(E) (1) Within 25 feet of the nearest crosswalk or sideline of a street or intersecting highway, or (2)Within 10 feet of the nearest crosswalk or sideline of a street or intersecting highway, if a curb extension or bulb-out has been constructed at that crosswalk;
(F) On a sidewalk
(G) In any appropriately marked "No Parking" space
(H) Within 50 feet of a "stop" sign
(I) Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant;
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