Jersey Shore Vietnam Veteran helps fellow Vets get back in the water
He wanted to enjoy the ocean again and and be able to participate in recreational sports. A wounded Vietnam War Veteran is now not only able to do so but also help other disabled Vets enjoy various activities year-round through his 501 C/3 non-profit organization.
"Operation Beachhead" which is the brainchild of Michael Ricci, the president and founder of the non-profit, started in 2010 and provides year-round sports activities for veterans, active duty troops, and individuals with special needs.
"It's for everybody, people with MS, children and so on and events go on all year long," Ricci said.
The name symbolizes the fight and perseverance of our troops, veterans and all participants.
"Attack the surf or attack frozen surf at the rink or the ski slopes and take control and then establish your beachhead," Ricci said. "Attack, take control and establish your beachhead in whatever event."
Over the course of the year, those signed up can participate in the wide range of activities of Surfing, Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Boogie Boarding, Cycling, Ice Skating, Sled Skating/Hockey, Reiki, Yoga, Martial Arts, Fitness Training, Art Therapy, Acupuncture, Massage and Wheelchair Basketball.
Ricci organizes several events throughout the year.
"Right now I'm at about four a month," Ricci said.
Through instruction and with some lifeguard assistance, these veterans and participants which stands around 225 in total, are able to head into the water and crash a couple small waves and feel alive again.
You can learn more about "Operation Beachhead" and become a volunteer by checking them out on Facebook.
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