What Do Captain Jack Sparrow And Ocean County Have In Common?
Look, I'll openly admit that I have crossed from being an admirer to straight up gushing about what Jersey Jack Pinball is doing right here in Ocean County. All you have to do is look back at my previous coverage and it will become pretty evident that I'm, to put it lightly, a fan.
But there's a good reason for it.
I think that it is stunningly impressive and very cool to see what is going on in a nondescript grey industrial building off of New Hampshire Ave in Lakewood.
I've taken tours of the factory plenty of times, and continue to be impressed by the local, handmade nature of these high tech games that can literally be found in private collections and arcades worldwide.
And Jack and his team aren't playing it safe. With each game they push the envelope further and further with technology, bells & whistles, and staying true to some of the most iconic brands in the world.
So following up on my visit last week to get some shots in on the just revealed "Pirates of the Caribbean" game, one of Disney's most profitable and recognizable brands of the 21st century, I had a chance to sit down with Jack and talk about working with Disney, what they have in store for "Pirates", when you can expect to see Captain Jack Sparrow in game rooms and arcades, and more.
Check out our conversation:
You can see much more of my coverage of Jersey Jack Pinball, including details on their "Wizard of Oz", "The Hobbit", and "Dialed In" games by clicking here.