Many of us have had at least one job, at some point in our lives, that we couldn't stand.

Maybe it was the hours, commute, extreme workload, annoying co-workers or horrible boss.

All of that, especially combined, can be extremely exhausting.

But, there are certain occupations that are considered more depressing than others.

So what makes a job depressing?

It has to be the stress, anxiety, responsibility, right?

There are jobs where someone's life could be on the line, schedules are constantly changing, the job doesn't pay well, there's little to no appreciation, the job is dangerous or you're required to work extremely long hours.

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Here are the most depressing jobs in the United States and all of them can be found right here in New Jersey.

MSN had a report from ALot which listed the most depressing jobs.

At first, some on the list were a little surprising.

I thought they would be more rewarding than depressing.

However, they explain why each job is on the list and I'm curious if you agree.

Here they are...


"most artists are looking at years of being told no, and may never achieve the goal they set out with"

Photo by Amauri Mejía on Unsplash
Photo by Amauri Mejía on Unsplash


"it's easy for them to get burned out and depressed with all the red-tape that comes with the profession"

Photo by Shubham Sharan on Unsplash
Photo by Shubham Sharan on Unsplash

Administrative Staff

"while they’re making things easier for everyone else, everyone else is making things harder on them"

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Financial Advisors and Accountants

"dealing with one’s own money is stressful enough"

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Maintenance Workers

"schedules are rarely set in stone"

Photo by Nuno Silva on Unsplash
Photo by Nuno Silva on Unsplash


"tips are not always forthcoming"

Photo by Bimo Luki on Unsplash
Photo by Bimo Luki on Unsplash

Nursing Home and Child Care Workers

"this is a job with little appreciation"

Photo by Jem Sahagun on Unsplash
Photo by Jem Sahagun on Unsplash

Social Workers

"every day brings a new set of challenges"

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


"doesn’t come with a steady paycheck"

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Doctors and Nurses

"have to take care of sick and dying patients"

Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash
Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash


"taking care of the sick isn’t easy, whether it’s humans or pets"

Photo by Artem Makarov on Unsplash
Photo by Artem Makarov on Unsplash


"you see the worst things"

Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash
Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash

Construction Workers

"the industry can be extremely dangerous"

Photo by Jeriden Villegas on Unsplash
Photo by Jeriden Villegas on Unsplash

Humanitarian Workers

"the work is mentally taxing"

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


"long of hours poring over documents"

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

The 99 top paying jobs in New Jersey

How much do you make? These are the occupations in New Jersey with the highest median annual compensation. Source: Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022

Disgusting: New Jersey's 7 Most Repulsive And Financially Rewarding Jobs

Disgusting: New Jersey's 7 Most Repulsive And Financially Rewarding Jobs

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