Why doesn’t NJ just build wind turbines here instead?
Insanity. It's when we expect to see different results while doing the same thing over and over again. Kind of sounds like how we run New Jersey, doesn't it?
2023 proved to be quite dramatic with New Jersey's plans to build tons of offshore wind farms. So much so that it led to a sudden end to the proposed plans by the company that was going to construct them.
Now that 2024 is here, some of those same plans that led to so much drama with offshore wind in 2023 are looking to push forward once again. We didn't like the idea then, so why should we like it now?
Earlier this year, we even learned of offshore wind companies offering hush money payments to officials in coastal towns in states south of New Jersey to keep quiet over this very topic of building offshore wind farms (read more about that from New Jersey 101.5's Rick Rickman here).
Hopefully, that won't ever become an issue here, but it does throw even more drama into the mix when it comes to these offshore turbines. And from what it seems, New Jerseyans still aren't very keen on the idea of having such giant structures off our shoreline.
With that said, our state officials are planning to move forward yet again with trying to construct massive wind turbines off the Jersey Shore. More insanity, anyone?
Look, if we really want to get greener by utilizing wind power, then we have to rethink our whole approach. If citizens don't want them along our shore, and constant issues keep stopping progress, then why keep trying to force it? (keep reading to see what we should be doing instead)
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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.