I’ve Given Up! I’m No Longer a Fan of SNL! [PUBLIC OPINION]
I have been a long time SNL fan going all the way back to the beginning, but I've finally given up on what used to be a fun night of television. Many will say SNL has outlived its time many moons ago, but I still enjoyed the show. However now it has become nothing but hate. The latest episode finds an SNL writer taking aim at President Trumps 10 year old son, tweeting some very insensitive comments about the youngster. I've suffered through Alec Baldwin's endless attacks on President Trump, but going after the kids ... too much!
The show has taken, in my opinion, a divisive approach, splitting Americans and feeding on their anger. I don't think SNL is looking for laughs out of Washington, but instead gears itself to jeers, boos and anger, which is not fun. The show now attacks race, religion and politics, all of which are better left out of comedy, unless you're looking for trouble.
I'll be boycotting SNL until it decides to have fun again and try to have peace with my neighbors, not start riots!
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