Is It Good To The Last Drop? Or Nasty Backwash?
I'm filing this under "the customer is always right" so I'm not going to feel bad about what happened over the weekend. I was out with some friends having appetizers and a glass of a really nice sangria. Before I was finished with my drink, the eager server swooped in and grabbed my glass. I told him I wasn't quite finished and he put the drink back on the table for me. A little while later, engrossed in conversation with the friend who was visiting from Florida, the server took my glass. Thankfully, I caught him in time and told him I still wasn't done.
I'll admit I nurse my drinks so I'm sorry if I didn't down it as fast as he would have liked. But it's my drink that I'm paying for so I feel I have the right to enjoy every last drop of it. And that's what I did, including the sangria-drenched cucumber slice that was sitting at the bottom of the glass. To me, the final sip of a drink is often the best.
I was surprised to learn that some people think it's the worst! They call it backwash and deliberately avoid drinking it. Hmmm. To each his or her own, I guess.
Do you enjoy the last sip of whatever your drinking? Or do you think it's germy backwash that is gross?
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