Yeah, it's not Lakewood. Don't get me wrong, Lakewood is horrible to drive in and I swear that they have the deepest potholes in Ocean County. I drive through Lakewood every day - so don't write my opinion off that quick.

I would have to say that Seaside is the absolute worst town to drive in, especially in the summer. Even in the winter, it's a pain to drive in because some people cannot comprehend the speed limit is 50 and not 30.

Not only that, but the fact that there are so many twists and turns, bends and random crosswalks, and stop streets -- it's just too much sometimes. When the bennys come out, forget about it, I just go to the beach in Ocean Gate because trying to get over the Mathis is a nightmare.

What town in Ocean County do you think is the worst to drive in? Let us know in the comment section.

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