How Will Schools Look in September?
Hard to believe but we are heading into the final weekend of June. I know for most of us the past three months have felt like three years but the pace does pick up once we get to summer and for me June seemed to fly by.
For what it’s worth Labor Day is just 73 days away which is about the same number of days between Easter and today. Don’t know why I felt the need to share that rather useless information but I did.
Governor Phil Murphy will be joined by the commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education today during his daily briefing and they are expected to discuss guidelines for the reopening of schools in September.
Hard to speculate but I think much will be left up to individual school districts so you may see very different plans from one school to another. Thursday the governor of Connecticut announced that all schools in the state would return to in-school learning this fall but keep in mind that state was not hit nearly as hard by the coronavirus as New Jersey.
By the way when you see what is happening in states like Florida, Texas, California and Arizona has it made you think differently about the lockdowns Murphy put in place here? While on the subject, as much as I hate wearing a mask in public all the indications are it slows the spread and it protects the most vulnerable. I know many who almost laugh at this but you might not be laughing later.
The lack of TV sports has brought even greater focus on the difference in success between the Yankees and Mets. Every night it seems the two networks built around those teams air replays of past significant victories.
When you turn on the YES Network you never know what Yankee game you’ll see. As for the Mets on SNY, well let’s just say I have seen the same games from 1986 and 2000 about 50 times.
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