Help a Terminally Ill Five Year Old Girl in Ocean County
She is only five years old and she's battling for her life! Meet Leila Merrill, she is this beautiful young girl from Bayville, who has been diagnosed with "Sanfilippo Syndrome" a rare genetic disorder which is a progressive disease that is terminal, with no cure or treatment. Leila is going through experimental treatments and the costs are mounting up, which is just one more stress for her family as they get her the best treatments that are available. According to her Parents .... She is obsessed with animals and music, and all she ever asks for are hugs...and snacks.
Here is how YOU can help ....
- Visit their "Go Fund Me" page and make a donation
- Come to their benefit spaghetti dinner on April 27th at the Bayville VFW on Veteran's Blvd from 5 - 9 pm
- Call for Info 848 - 448 - 4092
Lets Rally the Community and Help This Young Girl!
Here's a message from her Family
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