Ever Lost or Found Something on a Jersey Shore Beach?
I just read about a wedding ring which was found on the beach by a kid in Ocean City. Thanks to the sharing of a Facebook post, the ring got back to its original owner, a man who lost it while in the ocean last year.
And did you hear the amazing story about the ring and the carrot? Not a carat, but an actual orange carrot. An engagement ring, lost 13 years ago, was just found wrapped around a carrot that came out of the ground! The Canadian woman who reunited with her ring says she lost it while weeding in the garden. I’ll bet she never expected this year’s crop to yield a diamond ring!
My only real Lost and Found story took place in Cape Cod. I lost my wallet on the beach, and reunited with it at the local police station where some good person turned it in, complete with everything in place: Cash, credit card, and train tickets to get back home.
I’m sure some of you WOBM listeners have good Lost and Found stories to share. What’s the biggest or most valuable thing you ever lost? Did you ever find it? Did any lost item show up in an unusual place? Have you ever lost or found anything on a Jersey Shore beach?
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