Doing Yoga With Goats…Yes It’s a Thing in New Jersey
I have been hearing about Goat Yoga for a while now. Maybe you have too. While people are doing Yoga poses, goats climb on them and balance on them. I've been intrigued so finally over the weekend I got to try it first hand.
We were outside in a large tent with a temporary fencing structure around us (to prevent the goats from escaping, presumably.) Each of us humans were on our own yoga mats while the organizers explained what we could expect. Then they brought 3 goats into the tent and, well, the day suddenly turned awesome! Over the next 45 minutes, while the instructor led us through our moves; goats wandered over and climbed on us, sometimes with assistance from volunteer handlers who guided them with treats. I couldn't stop smiling. Even when I had a minor moment of discomfort while a hoof pressed down between two of my ribs, I still grinned. In that moment I thought, "hey, a goat is walking on top of me right now." It was kind of surreal. And kind of awesome. When the goats weren't exploring the humans, they were playfully butting heads with each other.
Kudos to the instructor who knew she was being upstaged with our new furry friends. The giggles were pretty constant and she didn't seem to mind.
There are some places in Monmouth County that offer Goat Yoga. Do you know of any in Ocean County that do? Please share in the Comments section. And if you've ever done Goat Yoga, where did you do it and what did you think?