How well do we party in Jersey?  Just wait to see where we rank in the nation's best and worst party guest rankings. 

A website called RTA Outdoor Living wanted to see which states had the best and worst party guests so they conducted a nationwide survey centered around party guests and their behavior.  I know some of you are snooping in those medicine cabinets! We see you!

The survey polled over 3,400 Americans and asked them to rate their typical guests on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the very worst guest behavior and 5 being the best. It also asked people to weigh in on the general habits of party-goers, including if they “snoop” around the house or clean up after themselves. I have to remind you, that we once had a listener call in to confess that he used a toothbrush in someone else's guest bathroom to get something out of his teeth at a party.  

The states with the best party guests are all over the map, with Tennessee coming in first with an average score of 3.80 out of 5.00. Huh, they must have that southern charm everyone is talking so much about.

However, the state that took second place was party guests in New Jersey with 3.78!  Why did we score so high? Was it the entertaining way of talking with our hands?  Our funny stories?  Our ability to throw em' back like it's our job?  They determined the reason and I'll tell you after I rat on the states with the WORST party guests. 

Worst Party Guests

The states that fall below the national average are also varied.

Delaware (3.36)

Nebraska (3.40)

Iowa (3.40)

Oklahoma (3.41)

Maryland (3.46)

These states make up the top five states with the worst social skills. Interestingly, West Virginia, Mississippi, and South Carolina made this list, perhaps showing that being from the southeast doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to always mind your manners.  

What Makes A Bad Party Guest?

27% of Americans have found damage to their home after a party that nobody told them about 

33.7% of Americans have snooped through something they shouldn’t have at a party 

Only 38% say that guests clean up after themselves 

25% have kicked out a guest over bad behavior 

27% of Americans bring a plus one to a party even though they weren’t invited 

12% of the Americans we surveyed said that they have had expensive items broken in their home by a party 

24.7% of American males have had the cops called on their party due to the noise level, compared to just 14% of women. 

I always knew us Jersey girls the life of the party!

See the full study here.  

Here are the best signiture drinks from every state so no matter where you visit you can say, "partyyyyyyy's here!" a la Snooki ;-)

Maybe you are more of a beer fan, here you go!

LOOK: Best Beers From Every State

To find the best beer in each state and Washington D.C., Stacker analyzed January 2020 data from BeerAdvocate, a website that gathers user scores for beer in real-time. BeerAdvocate makes its determinations by compiling consumer ratings for all 50 states and Washington D.C. and applying a weighted rank to each. The weighted rank pulls the beer toward the list's average based on the number of ratings it has and aims to allow lesser-known beers to increase in rank. Only beers with at least 10 rankings to be considered; we took it a step further to only include beers with at least 100 user rankings in our gallery. Keep reading to find out what the best beer is in each of the 50 states and Washington D.C.

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