I'm heading out of town for the weekend.  The goal for this trip is to relax and recharge while spending quality time with one of my oldest friends.  This won't be a vacation filled with museums and tours and a schedule filled with "must-see" attractions.  It will be about enjoying nature while sitting on the beach or on her deck.   So why am I stressing over whether or not to pack my laptop and tablet?

Experts say that to truly enjoy a vacation, one should be present; that means one should unplug devices and not worry about e-mails or who's doing what on Facebook.   In theory, I agree with the experts.  I want to get off the grid.  I'm just not sure how successful I'm going to be.

Okay, I've just decided, I will NOT take my laptop, but I will allow myself some online time on my smartphone.  I'll try to limit it to checking e-mails only 3 times a day. And I'll curtail my social media use as well.   This may be difficult but I'm thinking I'll feel better as a result.

Have you had success "unplugging" while on vacation?  Any tips?

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