So do you have a dog? do you have a cat? Do they get along? We are currently in the middle of getting our dog Dexter to be comfy with my Sister In-laws' kitten "Beemer". So far so good, they seem to be ok with each other. Every now and then one will get a little jumpy and then the other joins in. Whenever "Beemer" leaves to go home our dog will spend the next half hour running around barking and looking for the kitten, guess he enjoys the company.

"Beemer" will be joining us for a few days while his Mom is away, so we need to make sure they are buddies before their sleepover!


Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels


So if you have both, we'd love to hear your stories about how they do or don't get along and the funny things they do together .... leave comments below and share your "tails" get it? "tales" ... pun intended


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