Another Winner – Ocean County Hits Back To Back Lottery Jackpots
We wrapped up last week with news of a hefty New Jersey Lottery win coming out of Ocean County, as a half-million dollar jackpot was hit on a Jersey Cash 5 ticket that was sold in Brick last Thursday.
Little did we know at the time that the very next Jersey Cash 5 drawing would also bring a win to Ocean County.
In a Monday (November 2nd) press release, the New Jersey Lottery announced that a ticket sold in Toms River for the previous Friday's (October 30th) drawing hit for $100,000.
The winning Jersey Cash 5 numbers for the Friday, October 30th drawing were:
23, 26, 30, 34, and 42
The XTRA number was 02.
According to the New Jersey Lottery, the single jackpot ticket was sold at Paper Hut on Jamaica Blvd (just off Mule Rd) in Toms River.
While the Friday $100,000 winner is only a fraction of Thursday's $512,525 Jersey Cash 5 win out of Brick, I don't think that the person who is holding the Friday ticket will have much to complain about!
The winning ticket from Friday's Jersey Cash 5 drawing that was sold at Toms River's Paper Hut comes just under two years after another healthy prize from a ticket that was sold at the retailer, they sold a New Jersey Lottery ticket that hit for more than $60,000 back in December of 2018.
With back to back wins out of Ocean County last week, the Jersey Cash 5 two day total from Thursday, October 29th and Friday, October 30th reaches well past $600,000.
You can read more about Thursday's half-million dollar win by clicking here, and you can check out our previous story about Ocean County's big New Jersey Lottery wins by clicking here.

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