A Number Of Jersey Shore Beaches Will Extend The 2020 Season
While we still have three more weeks of summer, fall 2020 begins on Tuesday, September 22nd, here at the Jersey Shore summer is pretty much over when Labor Day Weekend comes and goes.
At least that's usually how things go.
(And that's not counting local's summer, but that's a whole different topic).
With everything being unusual in 2020, a number of Shore beach towns have announced plans to extend the summer season through September.
I think that there are a few factors that made towns move in the direction of keeping lifeguards on the beaches for a few more weeks.
Following, well, everything that happened in spring and summer, a lot of people just want to get out of their towns, and our beaches have been good getaways.
And, if we're being honest, a lot of people have lost a lot of money this summer season.
With indoor dining restrictions just getting lifted at the end of this week, encouraging visitors for a few more weeks will give restaurateurs an opportunity to finally seat customers inside.
And thank goodness for that. As August wears into September, outdoor dining will become a good deal less pleasant as late day temperatures start to tumble.
According to the Asbury Park Press, as of this writing, both Seaside Heights and Seaside Park will have their beaches open and staffed by lifeguards through the month of September.
A Tuesday (9/1) press release from Toms River officials says that Ortley Beach will have lifeguards posted weekends only for a few extra weeks, through September 27th.
To our north, the same report identifies Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, and Long Branch will also be extending their normal summer beach seasons.
As more towns make announcements, we'll keep you updated.

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