Residents in Ocean, Monmouth, Burlington and Atlantic Counties woke up to a surprise this morning. Snow on the ground. Although it wasn't much, it did cause a problem for some drivers around our area. The road conditions are a little slick. It's the first time this season many of us are dealing with the bitter Winter white.


Police continue to advise motorists to take it slow and give yourself extra braking time. Some people feel it's necessary to drive fast or like it's a sunny day out when there's snow on the ground. That can quickly turn into a dangerous situation with ice patches causing a loss in traction.

The dusting is a welcome change from those crazy blizzards we had last Winter. After spending several nights sleeping at the radio station, I'm done. The dusting is perfect. Looks nice. Causes minimal problems. And kids, stop bellyaching! You don't want a snow day. You'll end up being in school till July 4th. Trust me...been there, done that!

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