A Biting End to August
A little of this and a little of that on the final day of August which in itself in fairly depressing:
This past week was a rough one for those who tried to spend it on the beach as well as those who work on the beach. West winds brought those nagging and sometimes biting flies which made for some uncomfortable days.
Sunday morning was truly majestic with cool and dry conditions but a strong west wind meant there was some flies early although not enough to send you packing and things did get better later. My wife seems to be a magnet for flies and has been chased off on numerous occasions over the years.
Jane has tried every kind of spray imaginable and was skeptical when I told her my brother discovered Captain Ron’s insect repellent last week which he insisted helped. Sure enough we got some and while I wouldn’t call it magical it did seem to help. I guess it will now be a fixture in her beach bag. Hopefully we can get out of the west wind pattern in the days ahead.
It is somewhat interesting that during this pandemic, despite the differences in the spread of the virus in different parts of the state Gov. Murphy said rules and regulations would be statewide. In other words what was open and closed in North Jersey would be the same in Central and South Jersey.
However when it came to the model for how schools would reopen he basically left it up to individual districts. In other words don’t blame me if you don’t like what your district is doing.
I will admit that my baseball watching this summer has been pretty much limited to the Mets with a few Yankees games thrown in. What I have witnessed is probably the worst quality of play EVER which is largely due to the obvious.
The game has really become an expanded “home run derby” as players swing for the fences time and time again. If you like home runs and strikeouts this season is for you because that’s about all you get.
As for the pitching, especially relievers,well, it’s dreadful as are the Mets!