92.7 WOBM News – Flash Briefing June 7
Battle lines for November's elections run along the lines that most political analysts anticipated. Republican Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno faces Democrat Phil Murphy for the Governor's seat. Murphy's background includes a lengthy career in the Goldman Sachs financial firm that also employed former Governor Jon Corzine. Guadagno's career highlights include a term as Monmouth County Sheriff.
In Ocean County, Guadagno swamped all her competition. Murphy edged Assemblyman Jon Wisniewski by 353 votes. In Toms River, First Ward Councilwoman Maria Maruca retains her spot on the November ticket, defeating Justin Lamb. Brick's mayoral race sets incumbent Democrat John Ducey against Republican ex-police officer Domenick Brando. In Lakewood, the race for two committee seats is incumbent Democrat Ray Coles and Moshe Ratzik versus incumbent Republican Michael D'Elia and Michael Berman.
Tomorrow, sections of the Garden State Parkway, Route 72, Route 195, the Atlantic City Expressway, and several more south Jersey highways will swarm with police and state Transportation Department workers. No, it won't be a bad-driver crackdown. They'll conduct a hurricane-evacuation drill, testing their ability to reverse shore-bound roads and point traffic inland. No roads will be closed, but they'll be colorful, with plenty of flashing lights, signs, and orange cones and barrels.
Ocean County gets $208,000 to fight litter, part of $20,200,000 in statewide grants issued by the New Jersey Clean Communities Council. The revenue is drawn from taxes paid by businesses categorized as producing litter-capable goods. Burlington County, Toms River, Berkeley, Brick and Middletown Townships also won sizable grants.
June is Alzheimer's Awareness Month. This Friday, test your brain balance at St. Andrew's in Toms River. Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus Nurse Melanie Vernacchia leads the free Brain Health Fair, 10 AM until 3 PM.