We only have a little more than two weeks left before winter officially arrives, but it's never too early to start planning for your summer 2018 beachgoing!

Back in November (because that was so long ago) we gave you the heads up that 2018 beach badges for Manasquan beaches will go on sale next week, starting next Monday, December 11th.

If you can't wait that long to start thinking about where you'll set up your beach chair and dig your toes into the sand, good news! 2018 beach badges and season parking passes for Brick's beaches are on sale right now.

If you're like me and you always have trouble trying to think of good stocking stuffer ideas, I mean come on, what's a better gift idea for literally just about anyone in New Jersey than beach badges?

You can click here for our info about Manasquan's badges, and here are the details for Brick right from their official Facebook page:


More from WOBM - The WOBM drone takes in a beautiful sunset high above the Seaside Park beach:

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