12 Amazingly Beautiful Towns In New Jersey👀
12 Amazingly Beautiful Towns In New Jersey
We have a wonderful list of places to visit here in the Garden State, beautiful towns that you may want to visit the next time you have a day to explore here in New Jersey. These towns each have their own charm and that is what makes them attractive. These 12 amazingly beautiful towns are scattered all over the state. Take a look at this list and see what temps you to take a day trip in the Garden State.
The list of "12" was compiled by TheTravel, "Whether it's upstate, mid-state, or right on the coast, New Jersey offers a place for all. Have fun!"
Red Bank
Ocean Grove
Cape May
This is a list to look over and all seem like great towns to plan a day trip to. I think I have visited 7 out of the 12 towns on the list. Whether I gave them a good tour is up for debate, it may have been more of a quick drive-through. As with anything when it comes to travel, you don't wanna be in a rush it just takes away from your experience.
Small towns in New Jersey provide a relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of the big cities and suburbs, and many of them are rich in interesting history.
Let us know what towns you love on this list and post your comments below, we would love your reviews and recommendations.
CLICK HERE to read the complete article from TheTravel.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker