voter registration

New Jersey Voters: Are We Spoiled? [AUDIO]
New Jersey Voters: Are We Spoiled? [AUDIO]
New Jersey Voters: Are We Spoiled? [AUDIO]
More than 30 states currently have laws in place that require voters to present identification at the polls before they cast their ballots this November. In some states, a voter ID law has been on the books for decades. New Jersey does not carry such a law.
Remember “Rock the Vote?” It was an effort by top musicians back in the day to boost voter registration among younger voters. There’s a similar campaign going on now. It’s called “L.O.V.E.” or Let One Voice Emerge. A new song and music video for “L.O.V.E. (Let One Voice Emerge),” urges nearly 20 million unmarried women, minorities and young adults ages 18 to 29 to register and vote.