
How A Little Book Can Make A Big Difference
How A Little Book Can Make A Big Difference
How A Little Book Can Make A Big Difference
I’m someone who a high tolerance for dust bunnies and messes.  But I’ve read a lot of books and articles on the importance of keeping a home and workspace clean and clutter free.  Among other reasons why I’m wanting to get more organized; studies have shown a serene space can actually improve your well-being and make you more productive...
Apps That Might Help with Your Resolution
Apps That Might Help with Your Resolution
Apps That Might Help with Your Resolution
It's time for the New Year's resolutions.  Every year I try.  If you're anything like me...I try and try and then by February, well let's just say, "what resolution"?  Here are some apps for your smart phone that might just help sticking to your resolution this year.