March For Our Lives

Do YOU Agree with NJ Teens on Gun Violence?
Do YOU Agree with NJ Teens on Gun Violence?
Do YOU Agree with NJ Teens on Gun Violence?
The March For Our Lives happened this past weekend around the State, Nation and World with millions taking to the streets to demand stricter gun laws, but we wanna focus on how New Jersey teens feel here in the Garden State. Newsela did a survey of teens around the Nation and right here in New Jersey. Her...
Witnessing History and Feeling Hopeful for Future
Witnessing History and Feeling Hopeful for Future
Witnessing History and Feeling Hopeful for Future
What's going on right now does feel revolutionary. It's likely to make changes. At the very least, it's sparking conversations that we need to be having. We can't keep the status quo of kids being at risk every time they go to school. What's the best way to make them safer? I don't think there's an easy answer, but it seems a great time to be talking, listening, and learning.