Do you have any specific ideas about what it will take to turn the tide in Atlantic City, bring in more visitors and increase gaming revenues? If so the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority wants to hear from you.

John Palmieri, the Executive Director of the CRDA, says the Agency has been working on a game plan to revitalize Atlantic City – and develop the Tourism District – “and so with that in mind we determined that it might be a good idea to solicit input from stakeholders, constituents, business people, people who care about the city.”

He says if you want to make a suggestion head to – -where you can fill out a short questionnaire.

“We ask people to just let us know what they think” says Palmieri, “what issues we ought to be addressing as we focus on specific objectives in dealing with city issues…and the data that we get from that survey – the responses that we get – will be included in the reviews that we conduct before we complete the study.”

He points out the Tourism District Master plan focuses on immediate concerns, but other, long term concerns will also be addressed, including “how we might create a better roadway system or take advantage to the access to the water…obviously casino gaming is an important economic generator, but beyond that, we’re looking at what should we be doing to create an environment that people will find attractive – and part of it is creating a clean and safe environment…together we’re trying to create a kind of a baseline approach to creating a more robust city for visitation and for the people who live here and work here.”

Palmieri adds “by statute we have to be finished with our study by February first and so we’re collecting data through the month of January.”

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